Ballerina Avery

Ballerina Avery

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our FIRST home infusion, Infusion 29, 6/26/12

Her IV is in her right arm and the meds are in the backpack

This was the biggest smile I could get.

I knew that ELMO backpack would come in handy!

Just chillin!

We had our first home infusion on the 26th and it went great! Lyn is the owner of Ambulatory Infusion Care She is so nice. She came to this infusion to train our nurse Chelsea. Chelsea is so great. We had no idea what to expect and we lucked out! She is 24 and works in Saginaw at Covenant in the ER. It was also her first time doing a home visit. They were here about an hour going through paper work and "rules and regulations" before the actual infusion started. Wade was home for this one too so he held Avery for the IV start. Chelsea did it and got it on the first try! I warned her that Avery was a bleeder and boy this time was no exception. Wade had a hand full of blood and also a huge spot on his shorts. Chelsea just didn't have anything in place to absorb any of that blood.  She felt so bad. Our reaction....WHO CARES!! you got the IV on the first try! I was able to distract Avery with my phone and she didn't shed a single tear! The time during the infusion was pretty much the same as it was at Children's. Keep Avery entertained with whatever it takes. We watched TV the whole time..and Avery ate basically the whole time too. She is able to walk around more freely than at the hospital. We put the meds in a backpack so she can play and walk around and just bring it with her. This is gonna take some getting used to for her. I'm sure in no time she will grasp the fact that she can actually move around and play and do pretty much whatever she wants. Chelsea has to do her vitals every 30 min just like in the hospital... Blood pressure, temp, and oxygen. It took just over 4 hours for the medicine to finish then a quick saline flush and she was done. Chelsea had to stick around for 2 hours after the infusion to make sure there were no reactions. This is how it will be for the whole clinical trial for Lumizyme.
All in all, it was a relief to not have to drive to Detroit, that saved us 2 hours right off the bat. My feelings were still the same..a little anxiety, nervousness and a sick feeling until we got the drug going. I'm not sure if this feeling will ever go away. She will always be our little baby having to go through this and face this horrible disease and I am not ok with that. I'm hoping they fade a little because she is so brave and amazing and it really doesn't seem to even bother her. Our next infusion will be the 5th of July..this gets us back to our normal week and schedule.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Just over a year ago..........

A year has gone! It has been a crazy year.  In this past year we have been through more than we could ever imagine. I believe we have been able to get through this difficult year because of each other, our amazing families, wonderful friends and Avery of course.  She just amazes us daily! In the last year Avery has changed 100%. Just over a year ago Avery didn't crawl, walk, talk, or barely move and her heart was enlarged. She could roll and then slowly learned to scoot on her butt.  Now her heart is no longer enlarged and she can do all of the above and then some!  In the past year we've been to Children's Hospital and numerous other doctors offices probably over 40 times. And to therapy over 100 times. Avery now has 2 physical therapists, Mary and Becky, 2 occupational therapists, Brian and Pat and 2 speech therapists, Alisha and Suzanne one each at Kids in Motion and one at Holly Schools. Also a physical therapist who is now in medical school..Shawn. Dr. Jiang  is the Dr. who diagnosed Avery. She has a Genetics doctor, Dr. Stockton, a genetics Nurse, Linda and a genetics counselor, Suj. Avery also has a physiatrist, Dr. Dabrowski , a cardiologist, Dr. Mahadin, an ophthalmologist, Dr. Roarty, a pulmonologist, Dr. Abdulhamid, and an ENT doctor, Dr. Haupert  Avery also has a child psychologist, Dr. Chase. The Research coordinator Debbie has been putting in countless hours for Avery to switch from Myozyme to Lumizyme for this clinical trial. Avery's Infusion nurses are the best, Karen was the first we met, Tenae and Jessica along with several others throughout the year. We've made countless phone calls to our insurance company and Children's Health Services. We have a Genzyme rep Stephanie, we call her with any drug questions we have. This has been a crazy year and I can't even imagine what the years to come will bring! I'm sure I will be adding more to the amazing list of people soon!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Infusion 28, 6-6-12

This infusion was on a Wednesday instead of Friday because there were no pharmacists to mix the drug on Friday. They all have to be approved by Genzyme. No biggie for us! 2 pokes but Avery did great! We will hopefully get switched to home infusions by the next infusion. Lets hope everything works out and that happens!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"What I Am"

This is the first video we watched before our first infusion...and we continue to watch it before every infusion!