Avery has been limping and dragging her left leg since we got back from Dominican. We have no idea why!? We've seen her Physical Med. Dr.
http://www.childrensdmc.org/edwarddabrowski several times, had X-rays done and a bone scan and all tests are negative. Her bone scan was quite an ordeal as she had to be put under anesthesia for it. It was scary for us especially knowing what we know and what we have heard about Pompe, heart conditions and anesthesia. All went well though and she was a champ! It helped me when they told us her results from her last echo(that was 2 weeks earlier) and she had a "normal" heart. Phew! The nurse that was going to be assisting with the bone scan said the IV would be the most difficult part..well I knew that wouldn't be a big deal for A because they had numbing cream. Not even a flinch from her and the nurse couldn't believe it! I was a wreck when I was watching her fall asleep though.... holy smokes that was hard but I knew she was in good hands and the nurses were and always are AMAZING!! We are gonna wait it out a couple more weeks to see how the limping goes. It has improved and is better when she is wearing her braces. We will keep you posted on this!

modeling her gown
keeping her entertained
coming out of anesthesia
inhaling a blue Popsicle
finally going home!
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