Ballerina Avery

Ballerina Avery

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week of 9-19-2011

Our little dance party tonight to Halloween music! 

Good News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little Miss Avery took 2 steps all by herself at PT with Shawn on Tuesday! Holy smokes! She is so determined. Shawn had her holding things in her hands so she couldn't hold Shawn's hands. Shawn said she took the steps, looked around and realized she was doing it on her own, and then dropped to the floor! Little stinker! She can do it but it is a little scared. Which is understandable! This is all so new for her. She has been just cruising around with her walker more and more this week. And just so active all the time. I'm even more exhausted now! because I still need to carry her and move her sometimes on top of her being into everything and reaching everything! AHHHH. BUT not complaining! I wouldn't have it any other way! WE are so proud of her. Mya is really enjoying Avery being able to move and talk  so much. The therapists at Early On were impressed at how great they play together. Which for the most part, they really do! We did some dancing tonight and the girls are getting on and off furniture, and getting up to the table to color and play play doh and just little things like that! Really NEAT! They carry on conversations all the time. I will hear them talking in the back seat while driving..and I'm just cracking up! I love them so much! I feel like Mya is finally figuring out more of what is going on and is happy about it! Avery is Mya's little puppy for most of the day. Follows her everywhere and does EVERYTHING Mya does....INCLUDING THE NAUGHTY. But it is really exciting to see Avery learn at such a fast pace...she catches on to everything so fast and does not miss a beat! Good for her! I feel like things are getting more "normal" for us now. Feeling really good about everything!


  1. LOVE the dance party!! Lots of pretty cool little girl dance moves..........Daddy was pretty good as well. Charley didn't seem too interested, however. Keep the videos coming.

  2. PS........We're "feeling really good about everything" too. You and Wade are the BEST. Mya and Avery are very lucky to have such great parents.

  3. Will do with the videos..and thanks! We try really hard to be great parents!
