Ballerina Avery

Ballerina Avery

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Avery, now a runner?

Well, not quite yet but she is just about one with her walker! She is attached to the walker. Great thing! Today at school therapy she walked the whole hallway to the classroom with it, around the room most of the time, and then out to the car. Did I mention it was raining on our way to the car, and we were getting drenched so I tried to pick her up.  NOT happening...she just kept saying walker, walker walker. OK, how do I argue with that? I don't!  I get soaked! Not a problem :) The things you do for your kids! I am very proud of her and I am trying to be sooo patient. She still runs into things and is slow at times. PATIENCE MOM! You all know me...lets just say I do not have the patience of a saint! Maybe I will by the time she doesn't  need the walker! Mya is such a big helper and is so proud to tell everyone that her sister needs a walker and is getting better at it. You should hear Mya bragging Avery up to the Early on teachers. Proud Mommy.
Off the subject..kinda. Don't know if I mentioned it, but the Thursday before Avery's birthday party I heard Mya talking. Her preshool class walks by the early on classroom on the way in from outside. I walked out of the classroom to go get Mya from preschool right behind the whole class. Mya didn't know I was there.  I heard Mya telling Ms. Sarah that "her little sister Avery is turning 2 and is having an Elmo party" Mya even talks about Avery when I'm not around(Or at least she thinks I'm not around) HAPPY! The love between sisters!

1 comment:

  1. It appears that I can post again....Crazy! So glad that Avery is becoming a runner!! However, that does mean that everyone else will have to run more to catch her. What a wonderful "problem" to have. GO, AVERY!!!
