Ballerina Avery

Ballerina Avery

Friday, August 19, 2011

8-11-11 through 8-18-11

Last Thursday, 8-11, Avery got her new orthotics. They are pink and match her shoes great! :)They come up to just a little below the knee. She liked them right away. They helped her stand better on the first try! Edgar, who fit her with the orthotics was not happy at the size of the orthotics.  He felt they were cut to short in the toe area with no/little room for her to grow. They were also two different sizes when held side by side. He is having a new pair made for her...until then these will do. On Tuesday, 8-16, Shawn was walking with Avery, holding Avery's hands, and she said Avery was walking so much better.  She told me it was the best she ever walked at therapy...must be the magic orthotics! I was so happy! Thursday, 8-18-11, was a great day! We found out Wade got to keep his job..yes they were doing more cuts! What a stressful thinking of what would happen without his job and insurance. Done worrying about that.  Also, Miss Avery Kay walked all by herself with a assistance! Shawn said she told Avery to go find her walker.  Avery scooted over to the walker, pulled herself up, and started walking. AMAZING!  Seriously, not a dry eye in the place!  The person in the video working with Avery is Shawn.